There are times when all groups and teams come under pressure due to changes, transitions, resource reduction. I provides service for helping, supporting and facilitating teams or groups of people
to be able to operate more effectively in these conditions starting from wherever they are. The work can range from one off events to longer term change programs or anything in between. The work
often includes diagnostics like MBTI®, 360 feedback, observation, client feedback.
An example of short term project would be to help to run a one day meeting for an established team so they get a lot out of the day, gain insight into where they are and to identify potential to make
it even better.
A longer-term team development/team building/team support project will help develop the group to be highly effective, well integrated, able to learn from each other and the work. It can include
support to look at and improve unhelpful structures and operations of the group. Other things tackled could be personality clashes, miscommunications, mediation between different groups of staff,
leadership issues. I can help teams deal with adaptation to resource reduction and general change and transition. This can include teaching, training, development as well as group supervision.
The approach helps to support team members both individually and in the group situation. I manage a balance of self awareness, insight into self and others as well as the team dynamics together with
sound practical techniques for bringing about action and change. This is always alongside and integrated with the work the group needs to deliver e.g. the strategy, objectives or measures. Experience
has shown that separate retreats or team-build do not bring about change in their daily work and interactions.
- More effective delivery of strategy, objectives and plans.
- Self awareness both for individuals and group/team as a whole within the organisation and or marketplace etc
- Easier more effective work, getting things done with less effort stress and difficulty
- Higher impact/influence within the team/group and in terms of their work in the organisation
- Clarity around choices they are making or could make in strategy for the future